
Is What You’re Saying Worth Listening To?

As a Leader, you are a communicator. You can be a good communicator or a bad one. There are many variables that can take place every time you open your mouth. When delivering your message tone and demeanor play big roles in whether or not your audience will continue to listen to your message. It is never wise to assume or take for granted that people are actually listening to you.

My book shelf is filled with books on leadership. I recently read John Maxwell’s The 5 Levels of Leadership. If you haven’t read it yet, you should.

The 5 Levels of Leadership are:

  • Position
  • Permission
  • Production
  • People Development
  • Pinnacle

Does Influence and Communication Co-exist in each level? Can you have one without the other? Do your communication skills get better with each level?

Level 1 Position- Listening is required

Anyone at this level has been given authority by someone else in authority over them. They were given this authority because there is leadership potential present. This is when authority is publicly recognized, though it is typically limited because leaders need to prove themselves before more authority is given. This is the level where new leaders try to figure out who they are, what their values are and what practices they want to put in place.  As a new leader, you have to help those you lead. They do not trust you until they know you have their backs. They are the “laborers.” I recommend serving them in some way shape or form. If they look worn down offer them a break. Do something that shows them you care about them. When you win their hearts, you win their loyalty. You must lead with consistency and not be superficial, because they can see right through insincerity. It will cause severe damage to your growing influence. Share goals and expectations with your team. Hold them accountable when there is failure to meet those expectations and give praise when goals and expectations are met. Do that and you will begin to see your people offer a greater authority to you. With that greater authority you are gaining leadership influence and moving to the next level.

Level 2 Permission- Listening because they want to

This is the level where people are giving you permission to speak into their lives. They like you and are truly interested in what you have to say. Maybe, you bring a level of trust or encouragement to their life that they do not get anywhere else. Whatever the case, this is where you can start to inspire others to be better versions of themselves. In his book, Maxwell says, “You can care for people without leading them, but you cannot lead them effectively without caring for them.”  There is a point in this level that you have to move from the guy/girl everyone likes to the one that people respect. You have to gain credibility in being an effective communicator. As a leader, you have to create the vision and sell it. You are creating leadership with relationship. When people get along with you they tend to follow you.

 Level 3 Production- Listening because of your reputation

Maxwell says, “Production qualifies and separates true leaders from people who merely occupy leadership positions.” You cannot hide from results. Good leaders get results and improve the entire organization. These leaders are not only productive themselves, but get everyone on the team involved and have them produce as well. This level of leader increases confidence, influence and contagious innovation among the team in which they lead. This type of leader mobilizes the team for success, and provides an example to follow. They are constantly coaching and training to improve and innovate to achieve results. People want to win! They want to be on a winning team and these are the leaders that take them there.

Level 4- People Development- Listening because value was added to them

Adding value to others is a key ingredient to making an organization grow exponentially. Think about someone that has invested in you. Where would you be if they had not spend time mentoring and coaching you on the application of leadership principles? We are all indebted to those who took the risk on us. We must pay it forward and add value to others. When we add value to others we are telling them that we care about them and their dreams. We care about their worth, time, energy, and efforts. When we focus on people development and create a culture of adding value to others, we prove that growth can be sustained. When people are empowered, they start to gain confidence in reaching their own leadership potential.

“The purpose of life is not to win. The purpose of life is to grow and share. When you come to look back on all that you have done in life, you will get more satisfaction from the pleasures you have brought into other people’s lives than you will from the times that you outdid and defeated them.” Harold Kushner

Level 5- Pinnacle- Listening because of who you are 

The difference between level 4 and 5 is investment.  If you want to make it to Level 5, you have to have a proven track record of continuous adding of value to others. Pinnacle leaders have invested in people for so long they have a legacy that follows behind them.  People flock to listen to them out of gratitude and respect.

At what level did you find yourself?

After reading this book, I realized that I was not as high as I had hoped; however I know that growth is a process and I am willing to roll up my sleeves and get to work. Will you join me?


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