Leadership From Scripture,  Leadership Insights

Submission Leads to Commission: Nehemiah pt. 2

The book of Nehemiah gives us a demonstration of how God uses devoted people to carry out His mission. Nehemiah was the leader Israel needed to remind them of God’s promises for their nation. He was determined to rebuild the wall in the midst of opposition and provided the example leaders of organizations and leaders at home alike should follow. If you haven’t read Construction Follows Connection: Nehemiah pt.1, you can find it here.

The Big Mo to Slow-mo.

Momentum can be a leader’s best friend or worst enemy. Nehemiah was a leader that could communicate the goal, vision and purpose behind the task of rebuilding the wall. He carried a positive attitude that was contagious among the Israelites. He not only led them in building the wall, he helped toward rebuilding the Israelites relationship with God. He mobilized, and encouraged them to take ownership in the work they were doing and work with excellence. Nehemiah had momentum on his side, until opposition appeared. The Israelites became discouraged when other’s viewing their work ridiculed and mocked them. Work and momentum came to a halt and Nehemiah in complete humility went to God in prayer. It was in his prayer for the work and the workers that the answers to his problem was revealed. He provided the example of prayer, petition and encouragement that leaders need to replicate. He put his best leader in front of the mirror. What does a mirror do? A mirror reflects whatever is in front of it. Nehemiah shows us the action steps he takes when he is faced with opposition is to present it to God and encourage others to do the same. Even small, missteps can snowball quickly into bigger problems. Nehemiah knew what would happen if he did not do something. He was able to regain the momentum of the people and the work because he realized no matter how big or small the problems, take them to God because He is bigger than the circumstances.

Record Time.

Nehemiah was able to build a sustainable framework of engagement with the Israelites. We see evidence of Nehemiah doing everything that a good leader should do. He always made himself available to his people. He did not enforce taxes, buy property, or eat from the governor’s provisions, but was committed to the construction of the wall. He also did not allow detractors to deviate from the plan of rebuilding. In chapter six we see Nehemiah tempted to stop working by Saballat, Tobiah and Gesham the Arab. Nehemiah’s leadership and character was able to give a way to counter the assaults that the detractors sent his way.  There are a few things we can learn from his example of leadership. Whenever we are doing good work, detractors will surface, we should not pay them any mind, trust that God will protect you like He said He would, and keep working on the good and do not look back. Nehemiah was successful in rebuilding the wall because he knew how to manage and control himself which helped him manage the workers building the wall to complete in record time. We see that a successful project brings glory to God.

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The book of Nehemiah is a great resource for any leader no matter how large or small the group of followers. He began his work on his knees in submission to God’s will. He was committed his vision. He did not let fear cloud his future. He moved ahead even though the odds were stacked against him. He led by example and did not let the things of least importance get in the way of things that were of utmost importance. Nehemiah was able to show the Israelites that not only did the wall around the city need to be built, but the broken relationship between the Holy God and His people needed to be rebuilt. When leaders take initiative and move forward like Nehemiah it changes the culture an allows room for real change and renewal. Nehemiah was a true leader dedicated to the way of God.

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