A Piece of Something Bigger-Work and Faith Collide
A Piece of the Puzzle
Putting together puzzles can be challenging. Each puzzle is uniquely created and designed to get people to process shapes and patterns. Every piece must fit perfectly in its place in order for the image to be correct. Puzzle pieces have a purpose and place. There are varying degrees and complexities of puzzles and just like everything else in life if you take time and find solutions the chances are you will be better at the next puzzle or circumstance.
Unified Body
The other day, while I was putting together a puzzle with my son I had this thought about how God created each of us differently. Different skills, talents, likes, dislikes, and preferences. However, different our differences are, they are not what should define us. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul compared the church—the body of Christ—to a human body. Just as our physical bodies have hands, feet, eyes, and ears, all are part of a unified body. Followers of Christ cannot claim independence from the body, nor can one part tell another that it is not needed (12-17). “God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased” (18).
[Tweet “…our differences are not what should define us.”]
A Match Between Talent and Need
The same goes for building a team of individuals that work together for a common goal. Each person represents a different piece of the team puzzle. It becomes necessary for leaders to match talent and need. As leaders begin to place each member within their skills and talents the picture becomes more full, colorful and vibrant.
Uniquely Created
It’s easy to feel less important than others whose gifts are different and perhaps more visible than ours. The Lord, however, wants us to see ourselves as He does—uniquely created and highly valued by Him.
[Tweet “The Lord, however, wants us to see ourselves as He does—uniquely created and highly valued by Him.”]
Each of us is a member of a larger body, a piece of a puzzle and the picture is not complete without you. God has gifted you to be an important part of the body of Christ. As members, we are primarily called to share in the responsibility to find missing members and offer the same grace that was extended to us through our Jesus Christ, our head. Christ is most pleased with us when we begin to work on the calling He gave to all believers. The same power that rose Jesus Christ from a borrowed grave and placed Him at the right hand of God lives within us (Ephesians 1). Because we have access to the Father through Jesus Christ, we can have boldness with sharing this message and connect broken hearts to His mission of seeking and saving the lost.
[Tweet “Christ is most pleased in us when we begin to work within the calling He gave to all believers. “]
Check out See Potential to Increase Capacity for further reading on the topic of building a team.