• Discipleship,  Leadership at home,  Leadership Insights,  Patience

    Investment and Influence

    Discipleship takes time. My wife and I enjoy avocados. We, in fact, have tried a few avocado pits to see if we could grow a tree ourselves. We poked toothpicks in the seeds and placed them in water. Once it began to produce many roots and the shoot was about two feet we planted it in a large planter outside. It took time to grow and cultivate that miniature avocado tree. Over time the tree ended up dying. We over watered it and therefore ended our endeavor of being avocado farmers. It took time and work to grow, cultivate and tend that miniature tree. We did a bit of research and come to find out an avocado tree might not produce fruit for up to thirteen years and possibly never yield a harvest. After finding out that information, we didn’t feel as much like failures after all. I recount that story not to negate my point, but to prove it. Discipleship takes time, intentionality, relationship,…

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