
“I Am A Man Of Integrity”


What does it mean to have integrity?

Integrity is not a reputation, it is not success or accomplishments. It is not something we have obtained, but something we are. Integrity grows when there is consistency between the seen and unseen parts of our lives. Integrity lies within an action that fully puts our character on display for all to see. No matter where we go, people are watching us.

What is the standard for someone to have integrity?

God is that standard, because He was the one that created us and He did so in His image. God has good character and proves this by keeping His promises. He is the only one that has kept every promise He has made. He has never changed and He never will. There are over 3000 promises in the Bible. In Genesis 12, God tells Abram that He (God) will give Abram land, make Abram a great nation and that through Abram all families of the earth will be blessed. God later clarifies the last promise by saying that Abram and his wife Sarai will have a son. They were around 100 years old when thier son, Isaac came around. There was somewhere around a 25-40 year span from the first time God made the promise to Abram. Over and over again we see promise after promise. God has been consistent and has shown good character. His integrity was unblemished. He is faithful, just, kind, compassionate, loving, gracious, trustworthy and so many more words to describe His character that there is not enough space or time to mention them. As God, this standard of integrity proves His holiness. As a believer, I know that I cannot obtain this standard on my accord or wish, but only by His grace I get to take part in this mercy.

As a Husband, Father and every other hat I wear, people are watching. Every decision, every move is either a good or bad reflection of who I represent. My prayer is that I bring honor to God in my actions, that others see how I act when difficult circumstances arise and how I give credit back to God. May my actions and words lead others toward God and not further away from Him. I pray that I will remain consistant, that my character gets stronger, and the integrity I have get closer to God’s standard and not the world’s standard. I pray that He will increase my influence and decrease my pride so that He gets all the credit for my successes. Keep me humble God.

So, “I am a man of integrity,” because God calls me to be.


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